Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Space and Time - Part One

The laws of physics and math help us to understand the world around us. Amidst these laws and theories, lie several ideas that, I believe, help to quantify existence.

The first idea I want to talk about is space, or more descriptively, spacetime. In laymen's terms, what we learned in physics is that, no material entity can occupy the same space as another at the same instant. Seems pretty sound to me. My finger cannot occupy the same space as my thumb at the same moment. However, there is something, in our reality, that can occupy the same space at the same time: energy.

A wave is a current of energy. Waves can combine and move through each other which seemingly violates the principle stated above, or does it? We've learned that when a wave moves through a medium, the atoms and molecules that form said medium simply undulate with the current of energy and return to the same position as they were before.

Now bear with me, this gets a little complicated.

If energy can coexist at the same point in spacetime, but physical material cannot; this suggests to me that an existence outside our own physical reality exists.

Woah, woah, woah, hold up a tick; you're nuts. Maybe.

However, it seems to me that because tangible material entities cannot occupy the same space in time but energy can; that an intangible component to our own universe exists. A component that we have yet to or may never explore due to it's own intangibility.

This flows into my own hypothesis of an existence equal and opposite to that of our own. But that is another lengthy discussion that I will delve into tomorrow.

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