Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Is, for all intensive purposes, in the eye of the beholder.

However, I wonder if there are not multiple levels of beauty? Perhaps, there is a level of beauty so deep that we hardly ever experience it and, when we do, we experience moments of pure elation and joy.

Yet, perhaps, beauty is only appreciated by those who let themselves appreciate it.

On the surface, the act of birth is not beautiful. Fluids and crying and all manner of icky things are happening when a new person is birthed and yet, in some deep way; birth is one of the most beautiful things to experience.

Not on a TV or through a glass, but first hand. To be present at the onset of a person's life on this world is an awe inspiring gift of beauty to those who can experience it.

Just the same, to be present at the end of a person's life, as they close their final chapter, is as equal a thing of beauty as their birth. The breadth and scope of life, taken in whole, is that of a deep and passionate beauty and something, I know, not many will experience.

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