Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Music: Part 2

It seems to me, personally, that music was a lot better and more original in time gone by than it is now. Unfortunately, with all the different styles of music, it's really impossible to compare apples to apples when doing an in-depth analysis of music. Comparing The Who to NIN is impossible; both have their place in rock history.

So then, how could I think music is becoming diluted and paltry if I can't compare music? Well, that's not entirely the case. We can compare difficulty, playing style, lyrics even. However, a comparison, I realize is impossible, simply because music is based on taste and taste changes with society and people as the wind changes on a winter's day.

Society is fickle and blah blah blah blah. While I still feel music of long ago was better than music of today, I'm unable to tell you why and therefore I'm reduced to feeding you an opinion not based on any fact I am able to substantiate, which is something I abhor.

So for now, I leave this matter as such unable to prove what exactly my opinion and gut feeling is based on.

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